A Smile Reborn

We are a specialty dental office dedicated to advancing the art, science, and practice of prosthetic and reconstructive dentistry. As a prosthodontist, I specialize in interdisciplinary treatment planning and the restoration of compromised and missing teeth using tooth-colored composite resin, dental ceramic, dentures, and/or prostheses supported by dental implants. Whether it is single tooth dentistry or complex full mouth rehabilitation, there is no dental issue that is too small to neglect or too challenging for us to tackle. Regardless of your level of dental needs, we strive to offer you the extraordinary service and care that you deserve. Our office is located in the heart of the Silicon Valley in Northern California; we are privileged to serve Sunnyvale and the surrounding communities extending from the Mid-Peninsula to the South Bay. Thank you for visiting us online and we certainly look forward to meeting you in person.
Frustrated by poor-fitting dentures?
Looking to upgrade your smile?
Tired of dental treatments that don’t seem to last?
Suffering from missing/damaged teeth?
Seeking a specialist’s second opinion?
Give Your Dental Wellness a Second Chance!
Diplomate - American Board of Prosthodontics
Fellow - American College of Prosthodontists & International Congress of Oral Implantologists
Private Practice - Specialist in dental implants and related restorations, full mouth rehabilitation, and removable prosthodontics
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer - Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry & Journal of Prosthodontics
Former Assistant Professor - University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni, School of Dentistry
Postgraduate Prosthodontic Residency - UCSF School of Dentistry
DDS - UCLA School of Dentistry
Bachelor of Arts and Science - Graduated with Honors in Medical Microbiology & Psychology- UCDAVIS
Our Philosophy
Concierge patient-centered care
Meticulous attention to detail
Relentless Pursuit of excellence
Custom Dentures & Removable Prosthodontics
Full Mouth Rehabilitation
We believe that revealing your best smile should be affordable and accessible. We will work with your insurance company to process and get the maximum insurance benefit possible. We have also partnered with third-party patient financing solutions to help you invest in your dental service.
“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation...we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
– Will Durant
American Writer and Philosopher (1926)